08 Jun Generate Noire Updated
In the last few weeks the Newfangled Audio guys have been busy updating their terrific Generate synth.
The main overhaul has been to the preset management system, to provide better accessibility and also bringing in a tagging system to help you find inspiration more quickly.
I was happy to offer some assistance and advice on the subject, so I hope you’re enjoying the improvements.
One side-effect of the improvements is that pre-existing patches for Generate lost some compatibility, including my Noire soundset. So, I’ve been bringing the Noire patches up to speed and now they’re 100% compatible with the new Generate patch system.
If you’re a Generate Noire owner, you’ll be getting an email that allows you to download the new and improved version of Noire on Friday 9th June. Enjoy!
Oh, and as a bi-product of this situation, I have also updated my free Khimaera soundset for Newfangled Audio’s free Pendulate synth, as well as creating a new free version of it for Generate too. You can find them both to download on my Free page!
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